Mischief Managed (archive)

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Name: Mischief Managed, The Barkive
Date(s): 2003-2006
Founder: Slug (Tori) and Frisco (Melissa)
Type: Slash (Remus/Sirius)
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: http://www.mischiefmanaged.net/ archive(defunct)
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Mischief Managed was an exclusive Remus/Sirius archive. Created in September 2003 by friends Slug and Frisco,[1] it hosted a forum, link directory, fanfiction, and fanart of the pairing. The site was taken down sometime between July[2] and November[3] of 2006 for unknown reasons.

Welcome to MischiefManaged.net, a Remus Lupin/Sirius Black fanfiction and fanart archive. We're here to provide Remus/Sirius shippers with an archive of high-quality stories and artwork (found in the Barkive), as well as forums in which to discuss the Remus/Sirius relationship and all other aspects of the Harry Potter books. If you love the idea of Remus and Sirius together (and who doesn't?), we hope you'll feel right at home![4]
