Miraculous Manifestation

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Title: Miraculous Manifestation
Author(s): mountainphile
Date(s): May 26, 2000
Length: 59K / word count: 30,000+
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Miraculous Manifestation, Archived version

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Miraculous Manifestation is an MSR X-Files story by mountainphile.

It has a sequel called Waiting in Motion.

Author's Summary

"Mulder and Scully, while in pursuit of a miracle, uncover the one that already exists between them."


Reactions and Reviews

Mountainphile is a favorite author of ours. We’re partial to the way they write Scully, in particular, and their style is soulful and melodic. Today’s casefile definitely qualifies as a casefile, because that’s what takes Mulder and Scully to a country estate to investigate a possible manifestation of a miracle. But in the wake of the events of En Ami and Scully’s revelation in all things, Mulder may have more up his sleeve than just delving into a possible X-File. This story beautifully explores the dynamic between these two that noticeably shifted during Season Seven, Scully’s many misgivings about why she hasn’t yet crossed that last proverbial threshold with her partner, and why now just might be the perfect moment to finally do so. [1]
