Middle-Earth Paganism

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Name: Middle-Earth Paganism
Date(s): c. 2005 - 2018
Moderator: Laurasia, Brandybuck
Founder: Laurasia
Type: pop-culture paganism/fannish new religious movement
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
URL: https://mepagans.proboards.com/
http://middleearthpagans.bravehost.com/ (via Wayback)
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Middle-Earth Pagans are a loosely-organized community following religion inspired by Tolkien's Middle Earth. Common beliefs include reincarnation, past lives, magick, ghosts, spirit guides, and characters as apparent deities. The main forum has 87 members and 4,192 posts. The community also has ties to the early otherkin vampire and elven communities.

This path takes elements from many paths (Wicca, Asatru, etc.). The

paths pantheon is based on the peoples of Middle-Earth. (Elves, Men, Hobbits & Dwarves.) There is a vast respect for the healing & magickal properties of plants, stones, flowers, trees, elemental spirits, faeries, etc.

We also have extra days of celebration. Examples are: Frodo Baggins' birthday (September 22 TA 2968) & King Elessars' (Aragorns') birthday

(March 1 TA 2931).

