Make a Wish

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Title: Make a Wish
Publisher: Agent With Style
Date(s): 2009
Medium: print
Fandom: Torchwood
Language: English
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Make a Wish is a slash Torchwood digest-sized 161-page anthology with fiction by Mirenna and M.J..

The cover is by KAM.


From Agent With Style:

This collection of tales runs the gamut from dark to light and back again. Cry with Jack as he lives through World War I as a daring pilot who learns first-hand how dangerous and heartbreaking war can be. Laugh with the entire gang as they celebrate Christmas Torchwood-style, aliens be damned! Hold back a tear as Jack comforts Ianto when reality invades his lover's dreams and nightmares wake him screaming. And chuckle knowingly as Jack and Ianto would rather stay in their room, playing nookie, than come out to face a room full of friends who want to congratulate them on their 30th wedding anniversary!


  • Understanding by Mirenna (1)
  • After by Mirenna (17)
  • Those Whose Wounds are Never Healed by M.J. (23)
  • Clean Up by Mirenna (59)
  • Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin by M.J. (67)
  • A Torchwood Christmas by Mirenna (105)
  • Make a Wish by Mirenna (117)
  • And Grace Will Lead Me Home by M.J. (140)
  • Golden by Mirenna (155)