MK (Monkie Kid)

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Name: MK
Occupation: Monkie Kid (Hero)
Relationships: Student of Monkey King (Sun Wukong), son of Pigsy, friend of Mei
Fandom: Monkie Kid
Other: AKA Qi Xiaotian
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MK is the titular main character of Lego Monkie Kid. He is kind, clumsy, easily distracted, and generally a likable protagonist. He starts out as just a noodle delivery boy, but swiftly grows into the hero the world needs him to be.


MK is beloved by most fans of the show, facing only minor criticism towards the start of the series for being somewhat flat. However, this criticism died down as his character was rounded out over time. He started out as a very classic superhero main character, albeit with strong undertones of ADHD: he's loud, clumsy, and optimistic, and is a huge fan of Monkey King; so, MK inheriting Monkey King's powers isn't all that surprising. However, MK's character grew massively in depth over the course of the series, as he began facing greater and greater challenges and realized what it really meant to be a hero.

Common Pairings


  • Mei/MK


  • SpicyNoodles (MK/Red Son)


  • TrafficLightShipping (Mei/MK/Red Son)

Common Tropes & Fanon
