MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on ItsJanetSnakehole

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Interviews by Fans
Title: MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on ItsJanetSnakehole
Interviewer: MCU Wintershock
Interviewee: ItsJanetSnakehole
Date(s): May 1, 2017
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe
External Links: MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on ItsJanetSnakehole, Archived version
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Part of a Series

See MCU Wintershock Spotlights.


What about Wintershock as a pairing appeals to you?

First of all, I love any relationship with a healthy dose of sass. Both Darcy and Bucky have that in spades. The other great thing about them is that they’re both incredibly open to interpretation. They each have a few well-defined personality traits and characteristics, but there’s a ton of room to develop them as the author sees fit. Depending on where the author wants to take them, they can make just as much sense in a fluffy, trope-y relationship as they do in an angst-heavy tearjerker.

How did you first encounter the pairing?

Like so many other members of the fandom, I started with TaserTricks. I ran out of fic to read, and then I transitioned into ShieldShock. I subsequently stumbled into a couple WinterShieldShock fics, and realized that the Bucky/Darcy dynamic was really my favorite part of those.