Lovers and Madmen: Ravelment

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Title: Lovers and Madmen: Ravelment
Author(s): M. Fae Glasgow
Date(s): 1990
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Lovers and Madmen: Ravelment

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Lovers and Madmen: Ravelment is a Blake's 7 Blake/Avon story by M. Fae Glasgow.

It was published in Pæan to Priapus #2 and is online.

This story is companion piece to Lovers and Madmen: Unravelment.

Reactions and Reviews

[Ravelment/Unravelment]: This pair of stories consists of two very different interpretations on what the Federation mindwipe and the signal in Voice From The Past did to Blake's mind. He's fighting not to fall apart, but will he be successful or spiral down into madness? Both stories start with Avon and Vila's relationship stirring up the deepest, darkest parts of Blake's mind. M. Fae isn't much of a Blake fan, but I can believe every word and action of Blake even in her darkest possible interpretations, of which Unravelment is a *superb* example. The description of a man's mind falling into pieces and rearranging itself in something terrible... it's harrowing reading, yet so well done, so believeable that it gives me the chills. Ravelment, the first story, is a positive one in which Vila insists that he and Avon should do something to help Blake. Blake finds solace in their arms, at least temporarily--this is another rare happy ending, completely different to the nightmare of Unravelment. I love both stories in different ways, both the dark and the light, the sides of the same coin. Again, the prose is masterful, lyrical and the characters' voices are spot on.[1]


  1. ^ from Crack Van, recced by snowgrouse, July 28, 2004