Long Night in the Valley

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Title: Long Night in the Valley(first fic)
The Doomsday Planner (series title)
Author(s): Marsalias
Date(s): Published:22021-01-03
Length: 81240 words, 18 chapters
Genre(s): crack, adventure, Vestiges, suspected traitor!Izuku
Fandom(s): BNHA
External Links: AO3, Archived backup

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Long Night in the Valley is a BNHA fanfic by Marsalias. Published in 2022, it quickly gained popularity in the fandom and is probably the most popular fanfic dealing with the Vestiges of One for All. Its headcanons and portrayal of the vestiges, their quirks, and their relationship with Izuku Midoriya are influential on other works within the fandom.[citation needed]

As of December 2022, it has 230k hits on AO3, as well as recursive fanworks.


On paper, the Hero Commission's plan to investigate Midoriya Izuku under the guise of a training course for combating mental quirks is solid, almost foolproof, even. If Midoriya turns out to be innocent, they can pass everything off as part of the training exercise, assuming he even remembered any of it. Otherwise, they could beg forgiveness after the traitor was securely imprisoned in Tartarus.

The paper plan failed to take into account the feral ghosts living in Midoriya Izuku's head, or his equally feral living friends.

Time to bring on the chaos.

summary on AO3
