Lois & Clark Nfic Archive Interview with Tracey

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Lois & Clark Nfic Archive Interview with Tracey
Interviewee: Tracey
Date(s): 2001
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
External Links: interview is here, Archived version
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

In 2001, Tracey was interviewed for the Lois & Clark Nfic Archive.

See that site for others in this series.

Some Excerpts

I started writing the summer between S2 and S3. Most of them were a page or two at the most, then one longer one involving Lex Luthor hatching a plot to assassinate the President (hey, first attempts are never very original). Most of these attempts were written in my journal and will probably never see the light of day <g>. After that, though, I put away the fanfic writing for a few years--not having the internet during that time, I thought that I was a little crazy for writing stories about a TV show. How wonderful it was to discover that all you fanfic writing FoLCs were just as crazy and obsessed as I was <g>. Anyway, the summer before I left for college, I took my graduation money and bought a new computer. It was then that I discovered the fanfic archive and Zoomway's Message Board. I was in heaven and devoured all the fanfic I came across. However, it wasn't until the second semester of my freshman year in college that I decided to give fanfic another try. I wrote my first vignette, "Yesterday's News" in a couple of hours, then spent three days debating whether or not to post it to the boards. I'm very glad that I finally did! I will always remember seeing that first comments folder appear and thinking, "Oh my gosh, someone read my story!" The next thing I remember was being terrified to open the folder because it had been started by one of my favorite authors! I kept thinking, why did she have to read it first? My writing is definitely not in the same league as hers! Fortunately, she gave me wonderful comments, and I will soon be celebrating my one-year anniversary in fanfic. So thank you, Wendy, for that first favorable review!

Every time I think everything has been done, someone comes up with a new, incredibly inventive idea, like Pam Jernigan's "Tryst" or Hazel's "A Certain Point of View" Not to mention, there will always be new ways to change scenes from the show so they reflect the way we FoLCs thought they should have been done <g>.

I want to thank the showcase team for giving me this opportunity--I feel so honored to have been asked to do this interview! I have met so many wonderful people all over the world and made many good friends in the short time that I have been apart of the online community. I love talking to everyone on IRC (okay, so I do a lot of listening, too, but you guys have some really interesting conversations!) and I've enjoyed getting to know everyone. To three of my best FoLC friends--Laura S, Em, and Helene--I want to thank you for all the emails, late night chats on AIM, and brainstorming sessions on IRC. We all live so far away from each other, but I hope one of these days we will actually be able to meet in person! <g>.

To all the fanfic authors, I would like you to know how much I enjoy your work--you've brought me so many hours of wonderful reading, and I hope you continue to write! Also, I would like to thank everyone that has given me feedback on any of my stories. I can't stress enough how much they have been appreciated!

Lastly, thanks to Annette for running this site and to the showcase team for reviving the Writer's Showcase. I enjoy reading it each week and discovering new things about my favorite authors!