Little Red Corvette (Star Trek: VOY story)

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Title: Little Red Corvette
Author(s): Emily Salztass
Date(s): 1997
Genre(s): femslash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: VOY
Relationship(s): Janeway/Seven
External Links: here

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Little Red Corvette is a Star Trek: VOY Janeway/Seven story by Emily Salztass.

It was posted to alt.startrek.creative and won an ASC Award.

Author's Notes

"Sex happens, as does 80's music. If either of these things offend you, don't read."

Reactions and Reviews

Oh, man, this was a scream. I'll *never* listen to (dare I call him) Prince the same way again. "little top hats"--woo hoo. Normally Janeway in anything makes me run in the opposite direction, but this was nicely done, *very* well interspersed with lyrics, and a nice play on their two characters. The only bad news in it is that the blight we call Madonna is known in the future, as well. I'd been quietly hoping that her work was somehow erased by the Borg in "First Contact." [1]


  1. ^ ASC, January 1998