Lies Our Father Told Us

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Title: Lies Our Father Told Us
Author(s): m.c. moose
Date(s): 1998
Fandom(s): Star Trek: VOY
External Links: Online here

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"Lies Our Father Told Us" is a Star Trek: VOY story by m.c. moose.

It was posted to alt.startrek.creative.

Reactions and Reviews

This story epitomises everything I look forward to in an m.c. moose story. The plot is intelligent and the characters are inspirational in a way that the show no longer allows. She writes good Janeway, possibly the best on the net. This story is no exception. [1]

I love moose's take on Janeway. Thoughtful. Complicated. Here Kathryn confronts a bitter blast from the past (in the form of an overly informative letter from her sister). The unpleasant revelations concern those she loved and trusted above all others, but Janeway copes--and she does it in utterly believable Janeway style. [2]

This is one of the finest stories I read last year. Months after reading it, it still haunts me. m.c. moose is one of the best finds of 1998, and this, her debut story on ASC, abundantly demonstrates why. m.c. gets into the mind and under the skin of Kathryn Janeway unlike almost anyone else. I was hooked from the start, and have carefully stashed away all of her stories for future, not reading -- savoring! m.c. writes stories to savor. Do yourself a favor and savor this one. Brava! [3]

This is another "WOW" of a story from m.c. moose. The scary thing about this story is how tightly the whole thing fits together. This is something that really could have happened. I enjoy her take on Tom Paris in this, too. Chilling. [4]


  1. ^ ASC, March 1999
  2. ^ ASC, March 1999
  3. ^ ASC, March 1999
  4. ^ ASC, March 1999