Learning to Breathe

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Title: Learning to Breathe
Author(s): Veronica
Date(s): April 25, 2005
Length: ~52,300 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: Learning to Breathe (oooh, shiny)

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Learning to Breathe is a Starsky/Hutch story by Veronica. It was also available as a 172-page spiral-bound 5.5" x 8.5 zine.[1]

Summary: Starsky returns to find the man he thought he knew walking away from the city he protected, the job he loved—and their partnership. As Starsky searches for answers, he realizes that Hutch isn't the only one who's changing—but can he convince Hutch that they belong together, with or without the badge to bind them?

Author's Notes

Seriously — what's not to love about Starsky and Hutch? They're hotshot detectives, best friends, and completely devoted to each other.

And that's just the canon stuff.

I began this story in the fall of 2004, thinking I'd have it done by Thanksgiving at the latest. Little did I realize that it would be spring of 2005 before I'd see the last word typed on this saga — but it sure was a fun trip. I had the chance to revisit the grimy streets of Bay City and relive the questionable fashion choices of the 70s—but most of all, I had the joy of rediscovering my love for these two guys. It was a privilege to write for them; for me, this isn't just a story, but a continuation and a resolution of their relationship as I believe it was meant to be.

Many thanks to Aithine for encouragement, patience and help in the eternal search for the difference between "buck naked" and "butt naked." As always, Snudge, I couldn't have done it without you. [2]

Reactions and Reviews

A beautifully written, well-paced story which starts with Starsky returning to find the man he thought he knew walking away from the city he protected, the job he loved—and their partnership. [3]
