Last Light

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Title: Last Light
Author(s): Agents Haines and Willis
Date(s): July 1995
Genre(s): het, MSR
Fandom(s): X-Files
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Last Light is a MSR story by Agents Haines and Willis.

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Wow...after reading everybody elses first fanfics (most of which are fairly recent), I'm starting to feel old. <g>

I found fanfic early in X-Files' history - way back in 95 - and the first story I ever read was "Last Light" by Agents Haines and Willis, and I was totally hooked. I can't believe it was posted way back in July of 1995. Kinda scary. :)

I had never heard of fanfiction before - though I had written some for other shows. And I remember I printed out the story and took it on vacation with me. I remember showing it to my mom, saying, "Look! People actually write stories of their own about the show! Isn't that cool?!"

The thing about the story that got me - besides the fact that it was well-written - was that there was some UST in it, and I had thought that that area was totally taboo. All I knew was how the show portrayed their relationship (mostly:), and I had only seen about half of the first season, and was waiting for season 2. So I didn't know that other people saw the romantic potential that M&S had. :) I enjoyed the UST so much, I went looking for more, and was delighted to find actual MSR's! Imagine my delight way back then when MSR's weren't as prolific as they are today. Eventually, I found "Coming Back" (Karen Rasch), "Spell" (Kelli Rocherolle), "12 Degrees..." (Paula Graves), and so many more wonderful writers...

But "Last Light" is a great story, and every once in a while when I'm feeling nostalgic, I go back and re-read it. :) [1]


  1. ^ comment by Amy at First fan fiction you ever read and thoughts, March 1999