Kevin Burnard

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Name: Kevin Burnard
Alias(es): scribblesscript
Fandoms: Doctor Who
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Kevin Burnard, also known as scriptscribbles or scribblesscript, is a fan most known within Doctor Who fandom. He co-hosts the podcast K9 BingeQuake, in which he, his fellow host Tom Marshall, and several guests including Hamish Steele, watch and comment on the Australian K9 series.

He's also written for Obverse Books' Faction Paradox series, and has taken part in several fan projects, including the Twelfth Doctor Fan Audios, and the upcoming Clara Oswald: The Untold Adventures.

Kevin writing in to Steven Moffat in DWM also lead to the showrunner jokingly Word of God confirming River Song/Bernice Summerfield, something he's quite proud of.