Higurashi Kagome is the protagonist of the anime and manga series InuYasha. A high school student living in modern-day Japan, Kagome lives at an ancient Shinto shrine with her mother, her grandfather, and her younger brother, Sota. On her 15th birthday, her life takes a dramatic turn when she is pulled into the Bone-Eater's Well located within her family's shrine. The well transports Kagome 500 years to the past to Japan's Sengoku period. There, she discovers she is the reincarnation of Kikyo, a powerful priestess tasked with protecting the Shikon Jewel.
Reception and meta
Kagome as Kikyo's reincarnation
Divided opinions among the fandom
- Kagome showed great interest in herbalism and healing her friends during combat, that's why—especially on modern au’s— Kagome gets involved in the medical field as a nurse or doctor.
- Kagome’s journey in the feudal era lasted approximately 3 years. Although there’s some debate about this—one year being the second most popular opinion and most canonically accurate interpretation—a three-year time span shows how Kagome's time in the feudal era helped her build a strong relationship with Inuyasha, grow closer to her friends, and experience life-changing personal growth.
- Given Kagome’s age being 15 years old at the beginning of the story, she is thought to be a junior high student.
- Although during the Jewel Shard Hunt Kagome was already considered a miko she only started an official priestess training with Kaede when she came back to the feudal era after the Three-year-gap.
Fan works
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Fan art
Fan fiction
Fan work rec lists and collections
External links
Fan communities and archives
- Inuyasha [ stories] and [ crossovers] featuring Kagome H. on FanFiction.Net (FFN)
- on DeviantArt (DA)
- on Tumblr
- on Archive of Our Own (AO3)
- on Pixiv
- on Reddit
Fan pages and tribute sites
- https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/InuyashaMainCharacters
Related Concepts, Fandoms, Terms, Fanworks |
See also |