Jouer Les Amoureux

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Title: Jouer Les Amoureux
Author(s): Red Skye
Date(s): 1997
Fandom(s): Star Trek: DS9
External Links: Available at trekiverse

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"Jouer Les Amoureux" is a Star Trek: DS9 Jadzia Dax/Bashir story by Red Skye.

It was posted to alt.startrek.creative and won an ASC Award.

Reactions and Reviews

Just one from here... I loved this one. It had me feeling for Bashir... it had me squirming... it kept me glued to the screen for a good long time! A lovely take on *recent* JJ, and I as an anti-Worf and especially anti-W/D type was cheering :) [1]


  1. ^ ASC, March 1998