Jen Arthur

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Name: Jen Arthur
Fandoms: X-Files
URL: Details - Fanfiction by Jennifer Arthur, Archived version
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Jen Arthur is an X-Files fanfic writer.

Author's Comments

I don't think of myself as "a fanfic author." That title is reserved for those out there who actually know what they are doing (see my Favorite Links page). I write first and foremost for myself, and secondly for my friends. If anyone else happens to like a piece of my writing, then I consider it icing on the cake! My good friend Kat surprised me by making this page for me, so here I am, writing an intro for My Fanfic Page. What a concept! I don't profess to be The Next Coming in the fanfic community. What you will find here are fics that take Mulder and Scully out to play for a little while, and put them back, hopefully no worse for wear (and maybe even a little more sexually satisfied). So read on, and have fun. If you like a fic, please let me know. [1]

Fan Comments

How shall I phrase this delicately? (Can't be too careful -- you don't know who's watching on AOL.) Okay...Jen writes beautiful, amazing, romantic fanfic about our two favorite characters in intimate settings. Remember, this is a woman who is known among us Screamers for saying, "There's no such thing as too much information." Take that as you will, and go visit her archive, appropriately enough titled "Details." <g> [2]
