Jacaerys Velaryon/Sara Snow

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Pairing: Jacaerys/Sara
Alternative name(s):
Gender category: het
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Canonical?: Unknown
Prevalence: Rare
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Jacaerys Velaryon/Sara Snow - is pairing from Fire & Blood chronicle, part of A Song of Ice and Fire franchise.


In book

Fire & Blood contains record that Prince Jacaerys Velaryon during his visit in North met Sara Snow, bastard sister of Lord of Winterfell, Cregan. Cregan supposedly caught them in flagranti, but Sara assured her brother she and Jace had married. This tale is however ridiculed by other chronicler, as Jacaerys was known to be very dutiful and not likely to break his engagement with his current fiancée, childhood friend and political ally, Baela Targaryen.

Sometime after his return from North, Baela announced to Jacaerys her wish to marry, but Prince declined, potentially because of his marriage of Sara. Because of Fire & Blood is chronicle written by unreliable narrator, it remains unknown what exactly happened between Jacaerys and Sara and how it impacted his relationship with Baela, or wheter Sara even existed.

In show

In House of the Dragon, the show adaptation of Fire & Blood we don't see Jace arrival to North, as season 2 opens with him already in the North and discussing politics with Cregan Stark on Wall. Jace soon returns to Dragonstone, and it's unknown how beggining of his time in North looked like, wheter he met Sara and if so, how their interaction looked like.

Unless new information is revealed in future episodes, Jacaerys/Sara pairing is absent from show.