Inverse Series

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Inverse Series
Author(s): Brook Henson
Date(s): 2003
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Full series here

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The Inverse Series is a Sentinel series by Brook Henson. It is a WIP.


  • Inverse
  • Function
  • Relative Space
  • Natural Force
  • Entropy
  • Convergence
  • Symmetry
  • Inertia
  • Momentum
  • Gravitation

Reactions and Reviews

[Inverse]: This AU story opens with the intriguing "The night he found out that Jim Ellison was alive..." and carries on in a wonderfully angsty and friendshippy way, with a hopeful ending -- while leaving the central questions unanswered, though a very few answers are hinted at. But I still want to know why, not to mention how and what and where... and what happens next. So... what do *you* think? [1]

[Function]: Again it's too small, but again we have wonderful angst and comfort, the tentative dance-and-retreat of the too-long-separated and emotionally wounded friends. We have a few more questions answered, but not much. This ain't a story, this is really a work-in-progress. So we want the next chapter, of course! So... what do *you* think? [2]

[Relative Space]: This is the third chapter in this story begun with "Inverse". It's worth going back and re-reading the other two before reading this one, they are so closely connected. Ah, at this rate we'll never find out what happened or who the bad guys were or are, because the focus is really on Jim and Jim's suffering of the aftermath of whatever it was that was done to him -- and Blair suffering from seeing Jim suffering, and trying to help without frightening the twitchy Jim away. Talk about angst! But considering how many stories there are which just gloss over aftermaths, (well, they don't actually gloss, they just assume that the only payback is nightmares) then this is worthily different, even though it does require one to be more patient -- almost as patient as Blair is required to be. He doesn't get any magic storytelling time-compression, and we're waiting right along with him. So... what do *you* think? [3]

[Natural Force]: Here's the next chapter. We learn a little more, with dark and delicate pictures painted, more tracks of blood from a wounded soul; more of the circumstances of Jim's "death". We still don't know why, but we know somewhat of how and what. More in the next chapter, I presume! [4]

[Entrophy]:This story is the (too brief) next chapter after "Natural Force". We find out a little more again, we see the angst and the tension and the love... Not to mention the picturesque words:
Blair woke, opened his eyes to the fragile light of early morning, and thought instantly of Jim lying on his futon like a man shipwrecked; washed up on a beach, exhausted and battered, but finally on solid ground again. Home.
The supporting character of Leo is good too. [5]


  1. ^ Kathryn A at Gen Fic Crit, August 2002
  2. ^ Kathryn A at Gen Fic Crit, August 2002
  3. ^ Kathryn A at Gen Fic Crit, October 2002
  4. ^ Kathryn A at Gen Fic Crit, November 2002
  5. ^ Kathryn A at Gen Fic Crit, November 2002