Interludes (Starsky and Hutch zine)

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Title: Interludes
Publisher: Agent With Style
Date(s): October 2004
Medium: print
Size: digest-sized
Genre: slash
Fandom: Starsky and Hutch
Language: English
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Interludes is a slash Starsky and Hutch 79-page digest-sized anthology with fiction by Evangeline Anderson.


  • A Helping Hand (1)
  • Down on My Knees (39)
  • Just Another Day in Bay City (40)
  • Interludes (47)

Excerpt from "A Helping Hand"

An excerpt from the distributor, Agent With Style:

"But Abby's been gone for over a month now," Starsky said, echoing Hutch's thoughts. "And I know you haven't been with any other girls..." His eyes widened. "Hey, Hutch -- are you tryin' to tell me it's been over a month since you got off?"
"So?" Hutch said truculently. "Don't worry about it, Starsk. It's no big deal."
"Looks like a big deal to me." Starsky's voice was low as he eyed the blond's still-erect cock throbbing behind the tight prison of Hutch's pants. "And you said your therapist said it'll be a whole 'nother month until your hand regains 'normal function.' How are you gonna stand it?"
"I'll be fine. I told you not to worry about it." Hutch frowned and willed his pulsing erection to go away, but his cock wasn't listening to thatparticular head at the moment.
"But I do worry about it." Starsky moved closer so that they were flank to flank again and Hutch could feel his partner's body heat like a flame along his entire right side. "You're my partner, my best friend." His voice had gone low and seductive, the same tone Hutch had heard him use a thousand times with girls. He had never expected to hear that sultry tone turned on himself.
"What are you saying?" Hutch demanded, not sure he liked the way his own voice had dropped in response to his friend's. //What are you offering?// he thought.
"I'm sayin' why not let me help you out?" Starsky's left hand was on Hutch's knee now and there was a question in the half-lidded indigo eyes. Starsky's eyes always looked like that, took on that lazy sexuality when his partner was feeling hot and bothered. Hutch had never expected to see that look in Starsky's eyes for him, either.
He sensed they were on the cusp of something completely different, something frightening and wonderful at the same time. Once word from him could turn the situation in either direction. Without knowing what was going to come out, Hutch opened his mouth and spoke the word: