Interference, Turbulences, Uncertainties

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Title: Interferences, Turbulences, and Uncertainties
Author(s): Keri Mera
Genre: slash
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
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Interferences, Turbulences, and Uncertainties is a Starsky/Hutch series by Keri Mera.

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I'd debated where to put these stories. For awhile I thought it might be wise to put them under Romance, because they're certainly that. Then I thought perhaps under Case Stories, as that's part of the series as well. But finally I decided to put them under angst, because when I look back over this three story arc, that's what I remember most vividly.

This series begins directly after Starsky vs. Hutch. Starsky is devastated over what he sees as his partner's betrayal, and struggles to understand how Hutch could hurt him as badly as he did. Hutch is desperately in love with Starsky. He only bedded Kira as a substitute for what he couldn't have. Yet he can't tell Starsky that. So he tells him nothing, glossing over the seriousness of the situation and refusing to talk about it, except to vaguely apologize. Hutch's cavalier attitude infuriates Starsky, who responds by shutting down completely and cutting Hutch from his life, even going so far as to demand a new partner. Hutch is destroyed and tries to fix things, only it's too late. Reeling, he leaves Bay City. Starsky comes to his senses, discovers Hutch is gone, and goes after him.

Interference is about the guys' relationship changing. Turbulences is about Starsky's recovery following Gunther's attack. Uncertainties is about Starsky's return to duty. Each story features aching love between the two men, boatloads of angst (most especially on Hutch's part), action and some pretty torrid bedroom scenes. You can wallow in this stuff for days. It's very, very good. [1]


  1. ^ from Angst –- Ancasta