In the Pumpkin Interest

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Title: In the Pumpkin Interest
Author(s): The Hag
Date(s): 2001
Genre(s): slash, Bodie/Doyle
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
External Links: online here

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"In the Pumpkin Interest" by The Hag is a Professionals slash Bodie/Doyle story.

It was originally published in The Bisto Kids in 2001 and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

'In The Pumpkin Interest' by The Hag - 3pp. My first thought was to question the placing of this story in the zine. I wondered if the editor had made a conscious decision to place this light hearted PWP immediately after the preceding story in order to lighten things for the reader. If she did, then for me at least, this was a mistake. Simple tale, Bodie and Doyle lying in bed discussing a fancy dress party--clearly an established relationship tale. Fun, frolics, light heartedness, good banter back and forth. It's a fun meander through a conversation.[1]


  1. ^ review by Nikki Harrington at The Hatstand, Archived version