In Which Rodney Dates, John is Curious, and Cadman Helps

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Title: In Which Rodney Dates, John is Curious, and Cadman Helps
Author(s): Chelle
Genre(s): slash, het
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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In Which Rodney Dates, John is Curious, and Cadman Helps is a Stargate Atlantis Sheppard/McKay, Rodney/Katie (dating) story by Chelle.

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read: Lt. Laura Cadman. Of all the characters that appear in one or two episodes of SGA, she's one of my favourites. The sassy tap-dancing bomb expert who got under Rodney's skin in "Duet" is often used as a means to get the boys together. She's got the right blend of annoying and won't-back-down qualities that tends to unsettle Rodney and make him think twice, which is exactly what he does in this story. And then there's the kissing. There's oh-yeah?-so-there! kissing, and participation-is-good kissing, and oh-God-I-want-you-so-much kissing, and we-should-really-stop-kissing. Kissing!! Lots of it, lots and lots of beautifully described, irresistible kissing. [1]


  1. ^ rec at Crack Van, January 2008