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In Way of Farewell

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Title: In Way of Farewell
Author(s): Pat Jacquerie
Date(s): 1998
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Online here

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In Way of Farewell is a Blake's 7 Avon/Blake story by Pat Jacquerie.

It was published in Fire and Ice #4.

Reactions and Reviews

By the author of the only A/T I have ever liked...but this felt oddly flavourless, with the characters and their relationship far too placid, leached of the fire and brilliance that makes them - and it - unique. Others may like it - it just didn't feel like Blake and Avon to me.[1]

Apparently this is online somewhere, though I hadn't read it before. I do understand what Sally says in her review, viz: the characters and their relationship [felt] far too placid, leached of the fire and brilliance that makes them - and it - unique, but given the scenario (they decide to sleep together before Star One, just once), I thought it made a lot of sense. And they had some nice banter before that, and I do think it's a valid view on the relationship to think - in order for these two people to be together, they have to put aside a lot of themselves briefly. Which is not to say that it could never happen long-term and while they were themselves, but this makes sense for me as a series 2 thing. And it's nicely done.[2]
