In Vodka Veritas

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Title: In Vodka Veritas
Author(s): Gloria Lancaster
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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In Vodka Veritas is a Sentinel story by Gloria Lancaster.

Reactions and Reviews

This great little story was one of the first I ever read in The Sentinel fandom, and remains my absolute favorite of the many Drunk!Blair stories. This is Jim at his best: smart and tough, but with undertones of wry amusement; and Blair definitely not at his best: woefully under the weather. And how can you not love a story that opens with a quavering waif calling in the wee hours of the morning to ask for "Someone called Blessed?" Suffice it to say that I recently recced this to our very own magician113 and was quite smug to present her with something she hadn't yet read! It never ceases to surprise me that this gem is rarely mentioned; go, read, and discover the amazing versatility of Gloria's writing.[1]

I like the writing but some of the dialogue doesn't sound very American to me, or very much in keeping with what either Jim or Blair would say.[2]

FF Featuring the Best Four-Word Summary of the Bad Kind of Morning After: In Vodka Veritas, by Gloria Lancaster (don't have a link for her, sorry). The Sentinel, Jim/Blair. This is schmoopy, non-explicit drunkfic with some problems a good beta could've cleared up. But I still enjoy it; for some reason, it makes me laugh, perhaps because it brings back unfortunate college memories. And I love the four-word summary, which comes to us courtesy of Blair Sandburg: "I envy the dead." Also, this story, unlike many drunkfics, features realistic side effects and sequelae to excessive alcohol consumption. [3]

A story in which Jim Finds Out, and coincidentally, the story that clarified this whole concept for me, with the quote: "....but that would be mean, and he had thirty or forty years of being mean to Sandburg ahead: no need to start quite so soon." Perfect. Gloria also wrote the wonderfully evil Tom, which is shorter and has less Jim-dialogue but is really the epitome of the Jim-characterization I'm talking about on this page. [4]
