I Bloomed For You...

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Title: I Bloomed For You...
Author(s): Meanie_Beanie
Date(s): December 2016 - June 2017
Length: 284k words; 17 chapters
Genre(s): Soulmates AU, slash
Fandom(s): BTS
External Links: ao3 link, Archived version

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I Bloomed For You... is a BTS fanfic by Meanie_Beanie. It is a Soulmates AU. The main pairings is Taekook.

On the Archive of Our Own, it is the forty fifth most popular BTS fanwork by hit count. As of February 2021, the work has over 252,000 hits, 7,700 kudos, 2,700 comments, and 2,600 bookmarks.


Summary: Jungkook just barely registered the warm soft skin of Taehyung’s palm, before his whole world changed. His skin prickled almost painfully, and it felt like somebody had sent a great wave of electricity crackling through him. The world went black for barely a second as a strange weight settled in his chest, and then the world came rushing back like a flood.

He looked up with wide eyes at Taehyung - no, at his soulmate - and expected to be met with the same surprised eyes as his own, but Taehyung just looked at him with a carefree smile.

“See you soon, Jungkookie,” he grinned teasingly before releasing Jungkook’s hand and turning around to leave. Jungkook stood there for several minutes, just staring at the spot where Taehyung had disappeared, with only one thought in his head.

Why had his soulmate just left him?
