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Title: Hospitality
Author(s): kbk
Date(s): May 2005
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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Hospitality is a Stargate Atlantis story by kbk.

Author's Notes

"Rating: R. Summary: An off-world mission takes an unexpected turn. Notes: This is me attempting both dark!fic - I'm an old hand at angst, but that's different - and a much barer style than usual - dialogue and physical description only. The bulk of the fic was written for sga_flashfic's slave challenge. I left an ambiguous ending and was asked for more. Thus, the continuations in the comments to this post. Each thread is a divergence: thus, the comments which reply directly to the post continue from the main body of the fic, and each comment thereafter continues from the comment to which it is a response. If that makes sense. Different threads obviously have different levels of detail and of pain. If this format is unreadable, tell me and I'll try to fix up something better. Warnings: Abuse - physical and sexual. Killing. Brainwashing. General bastardry. Death. A little gore. A few bad words, but if you can't cope with that..."

Reactions and Reviews

This is the first of the team fic types stories that I will be recommending, where Teyla is a member of either the season one or season two team and the main relationship -- if there is a relationship -- is Sheppard/McKay. The really neat thing about this story is the way it is constructed. There is a core piece that is the introduction, and then the comments to that core are all variations and threads on what could spin off from that original piece, so make sure to read the comments as that's where the real story lies. So it's an alternate universe with alternate storylines and while some of the threads are very dark, I wouldn't call a single thread light. It is joyously intense.[1]


  1. ^ Rec50, 2005