Hindsight (Starsky & Hutch story)

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Title: Hindsight
Author(s): Rose Trillian
Date(s): February 1997
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Hindsight is a gen 65-page Starsky and Hutch pass-around novel by Rose Trillian.


Plot Summary

Hutch is visiting his cousin, Eric Hutchinson, who is a game warden in Minnesota. While there, Dobey calls him and says Starsky was at the firing range, and his gun exploded. This accident blinded Starsky.

Starsky is reluctant to let Hutch take care of him, but Hutch prevails.

Starsky is blind for five months. It turns out a fellow officer rigged his gun.

When Starsky regains his sight, they celebrate Christmas.