Hecate Waits

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Title: Hecate Waits
Author(s): April Murray
Date(s): 1989
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Online at AO3

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Hecate Waits is a Blake's 7 story by Jean Graham.

It was published in Powerplay #4 and Gambit #9.

Reactions and Reviews

"Hecate Waits" by Jean Graham has Jenna and Avon captured while on a computer complex tampering mission. Avon is injured and hallucinates about Anna, Jenna isn't sure how she should respond, and afterwards Avon is concerned at what he might have revealed. Good story, not at all sentimental.[1]

This one's probably the best in the zine - Jenna and Avon get captured together. Unusual (but interesting) pairing up, and well characterised.[2]
