Heard in Silence

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Star Trek TNG Fanfiction
Title: Heard in Silence
Author(s): aura218
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
External Links: online here

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Heard in Silence is Star Trek: TNG Picard/Troi story by aura218.

Reactions and Reviews

I love AUs. I make no bones about loving AUs. I freakin' adore them really so when I find good AU stories, even little slice of life ones, I'm more than a little pleased and I found one through a friend's rec page.

Attached is one of the big Picard/Crusher eps of The Next Generation but while the ep itself played up that angle, it also created a pretty interesting plot device. What happens when you have no choice but be completely honest with the person you're 'attached' too. They'll hear what you're thinking no matter what...

So with that in mind, this author removed Crusher from the situation and substituted her with Deanna Troi and took a second look at the fireside scene in that episode. This is not a 'shippy' story. It's a look at two characters and the interplay between them. It brings out a discussion of things that even fans have noticed and it's a great, rare, moment between the captain and the counselor and for that I love it. [1]

Hey, very neat spin on an episode! Certainly, as a rabid P/Cer, I enjoyed "Attached" very much. However, this is pretty cool, too. You kept Picard and Troi nicely in character, but you also gave us a new point of view to think about. Well done![2]


  1. ^ 2005 rec at Crack Van
  2. ^ FFN reviews