Hazy Shade of Winter (Sentinel story)

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Hazy Shade of Winter
Author(s): Psychgirl
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Hazy Shade of Winter on AO3 (locked to registered users)

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Hazy Shade of Winter is a Jim/Blair story by Psychgirl.

Reactions and Reviews

Shortly after Sentinel, Too, Blair has a dream. A dream that is, for all intents and purposes, the events of TS by BS. Blair, not surprisingly, isn't at all thrilled by said events and when he starts having the dream multiple times every night, he decides that the dream is actually a vision telling him that he can't publish the Sentinel dissertation (possibly the dream is from fandom, pointing out the obvious to TPTB?). Unfortunately, he can't bring himself to throw the dissertation out entirely, so he does the next outrageously overboard thing: he runs away. I have a soft spot for Blair running away from home fic, and this is one of the best of the genre. While the characterizations are awesome (especially that of Jim, who does *not* freak out and go all alpha male, but instead actually makes an effort to sit down and talk things out like the adults they ostensibly are), my favorite aspect of this fic is the writing. Not once does PsychGirl allow herself to slip into purple prose, and her restraint pays off with a beautifully written, highly compelling fic. Perfect for those who want a break from the melodrama that is the Sentinel fandom's bread and butter.[1]

Isn’t it funny what one’s brain picks up to cuddle? I love this fic for so many reasons, but the moment when Jim fixes the window is perhaps my favorite.

“Emily was behind the counter, and Jim was standing at the front door, the sleeves of his dark sweater pushed up, glazing one of the small panes of glass in the door. Blair frowned. Had he broken it last night? He didn't remember doing that...but he had been upset. Maybe he'd closed the door too hard and shattered it. He felt a pang of guilt that he hadn't noticed. If the pane had been broken all night...they were lucky that someone hadn't come in and robbed the place.

"So, you just need to let this cure," Jim was saying, smoothing the last of the glaze with a careful finger. "It should take a day or two. Fortunately, I think the weather's supposed to be clear." He gathered the tools and turned, catching sight of Blair. "Hey, Chief," he said quietly.” [2]

I was just re-reading this the other day, loving it all over again. PsychGirl writes such beautiful angst and her writing is just lovely (and I always, always love her Jim and Blair and how real their conversations and thoughts are).[3]

“What if TSbBS was a dream?” is the author’s summary for this interesting story. But, unlike Pam Ewing’s dream in “Dallas”, when Blair wakes up the bad times *begin*. Believing that he’s had a vision foretelling the future, Blair leaves Cascade to prevent Jim from being outed as a sentinel. He goes to ground, isolating himself and taking menial jobs. Will it be enough? You’ll have to read to find out! [4]


  1. ^ 2008 comments at Epic Recs
  2. ^ 2008 comments at Crack Van
  3. ^ 2008 comments at Crack Van
  4. ^ 2010 Rec 50