Happily Ever After (Sentinel story)

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Title: Happily Ever After
Author(s): Merri-Todd Webster
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Sentinel
External Links: Happily Ever After

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Happily Ever After is a Jim/Blair story by Merri-Todd Webster.

Reactions and Reviews

Beautiful is the first word that comes to mind after you read this one. You can feel the love Jim has for Blair, and it leaves you with a bittersweet smile, and maybe a tear in your eye. It is a death story, but not the kind that tears your heart out. Like Jim, you come away from this story with a feeling of peace and happiness, and a sense that they will always love each other. I don't like death stories in general, but, like anything, it is a genre that can be done well. And this story does it so well.[1]


  1. ^ "Seeking Solace". Archived from the original on 2010-09-01.