Haply I Think On Thee (Beauty and the Beast zine)

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Title: Haply I Think On Thee
Date(s): 2010
Medium: print
Genre: het
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)
Language: English
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cover by Sandy Tew

Haply I Think On Thee is a het Beauty and the Beast 289-page anthology. It was published in 2010 and is the official con zine for Haply I Think On Thee (Beauty and the Beast convention). Cover art by Sandy Tew. Other artwork by Sandy Tew, Ellen Siders and Sandy "Chan" Shelton.

The Editorial

Those words evoke a memory and a promise, a reflection upon what draws us together as well as what keeps us moving forward...together.

Over two decades ago, Ron Koslow and Witt-Thomas Productions created and developed a television show that truly transcended the limits of its medium and its time. They gave us the Tunnel community with its philosophy of inclusion and mutual support, a breathtaking, incomparable love story with fascinating, transcendent characters, and productions that were gloriously written, superbly acted, and wonderfully designed. And then, after a few short years...it was over.

But we fans would not let it die. We continued to embrace the ideas, the ideals, the characters...we created art and stories and websites and a fandom community and traditions that have enriched our lives for over twenty years. We have been an outlet, a testing ground of talent, a safe place for fans to spread their wings in ways they never imaged they could - all based on our mutual love for "Beauty and the Beast."

Our annual conventions are one facet of the dream we all share. Coming together in small groups and large, we look forward to the times we can touch hands as well as hearts, share hugs in addition to the love we carry for this one special television show. Haply I Think on Thee: Invitation to a Dream, the 2010 U.S. Beauty and the Beast convention conzine, is a celebration of those impulses, a reminder of what makes our fandom so special. It's a reflection of many heads bent to one purpose: to nurture the dream, to keep it alive for each other.

We were invited, on that September night in 1987, to a dream, one we've sustained ever since. As I reflect on all the individuals who have, over the years, contributed their part in the magnificent mosaic of our fandom, as I think of the many fans who contributed to this convention specifically - with their creativity, their donations, their participation, their energy - even those who knew they could not he with us as we gathered in San Diego, I am humbled, and immeasurably grateful to be a part of this continuum.

This conzine is dedicated to all the fans from all over the world who keep The Dream alive. You are the best of what it means to be human. And I know, in the deepest part of who I am, we will endure. We will.

JoAnn Baca


  • All I Ask of You by Cathy Trotta (1)
  • Changes by Janet Rivenbark (37)
  • Closure... by Angie (73)
  • Death Walks by OOWhiz (77)
  • Decisions by Edna Grice (116)
  • Enough by Sigyn (119)
  • Beloved by Pat King (125)
  • Hearts Home Bums by Angie (126)
  • Matryoskas by Laura Goist (154)
  • Resolution by Ginny (160)
  • No Shadow of Another by Krista Aliset (184)
  • Peace of Mind by Kathleen Smith (188)
  • On the Nature of Vincent by Rachel Nesser (210)
  • Picture Perfect by Angie (223)
  • Song of Sorrow by valjean (228)
  • Home by Carol Burt (229)
  • The Light of Day by Demian (238)
  • Time is Eternity by Joan Stephens (252)
  • Trust Me by Edna Grice (256)
  • The Silver Sage by Brooke Summertin (260)
  • Valentine's Day by Pat King (261)
  • The Turn of the Tide by Joan Stephens (271)
  • Metaphorically Speaking by JoAnn Baca (282)