Half a Loaf

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Title: Half a Loaf
Author(s): Linda Norman
Date(s): 2002
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Half a Loaf is a Blake/Avon Blake's 7 story by Linda Norman.

It was originally printed in the zine Fire and Ice #7.

Reactions and Reviews

I go along with her seeing Avon with masochistic leanings, though I'm not sure he would actually be selfish enough to con Blake into playing BDSM games which he knows upset the man. For the life of me I can't see him agonising about having shot a Fed trooper in self-defence, even if the guy was fairly young and innocent. Our Kerr, give it a second thought? I quite like the purple prose, though the last sentence jumps up and down saying "I'm a cliche!" But one cannot quarrel too much with any story that has Avon bound to a wrought-iron gate and whipped, now can one? The gate is beautifully, and very erotically, described.[1]

(This story is set five years before Cygnus Alpha...) As with issue 3, a zine I really like starts with a story I dislike. This one is not as upsetting as the Blake slavefic of 3, but it is strangely... nothingy. Like hafren (in her review of many years ago), I don't believe either of the central conceits. There is a conflict between our heroes (as is right and proper) but it's not the right one, and the conclusion is, again, not the right one for these characters and doesn't feel much like a 'conclusion', actually. In some ways, it's just 'sex is over [equals] fic over'. Dissatisfying. Fortunately it's one of the only fics in this zine that is.[2]
