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Name: Gwaith-i-Pheddain
Owner/Maintainer: Rysiek Derdziński
Dates: 2000 - present
Fandom: Tolkien
URL: Current site
Archived link
Later version
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Gwaith-i-Pheddain is a Polish-, French-, and English-language website centered on Tolkien's Elvish conlangs. They host lessons, essays, example works, music, calligraphy, and more.

This website is devoted to the languages of Middle-earth devised by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. You can publish here your poems and short prose in Quenya, Sindarin or another languages found in the books by this author. If you are an Elvish student you can find here good examples of Elvish grammar and vocabulary, and you can read here about the actual events in the Tolkienian linguistic fandom. Nai Eldalambë latyuva órelya Endorenna 'May Elvish open your heart towards Middle-earth' [Quenya].
