Gut Decision

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Title: Gut Decision
Author(s): Maiden Wyoming
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): slash, Bodie/Doyle
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
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Gut Decision by Professionals story by Maiden Wyoming.

It was published in Priority A-3 #1.

Reactions and Reviews

This author certainly loves to hurt Doyle in unique ways. This time he gets a severe case of dysentery from eating tainted food and lands in the hospital thanks to Bodie's timely arrival at Doyle's flat. Bodie nurses him tenderly even after Doyle returns home, doing even the most distasteful tasks with love (though we don't get a blow-by-blow description, thankfully). Doyle realizes that Bodie's devotion shows that Bodie loves him very much and that he loves Bodie. First time story. What I like about this author is the way she conveys the idea that the lads are meant for each other. This is definitely comfort fic of the highest order.[1]


  1. ^ Metabolick at The Hatstand