Green Lantern: The Animated Series

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Name: Green Lantern: The Animated Series
Abbreviation(s): GLTAS
Creator: Bruce Timm, Giancarlo Volpe, Jim Krieg
Date(s): November 11, 2011 – March 16, 2013
Medium: cartoon
Country of Origin: United States
External Links: GLTAS Wikipedia
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Green Lantern: The Animated Series is a Warner Bros. animated series based on the Green Lantern franchise from DC Comics. The series aired on Cartoon Network from 2011 to 2013, after which it was cancelled due to poor toy sales.


The series stars Josh Keaton as Hal Jordan, the first human in the Green Lantern Corps, as he battles threats to the universe alongside his partner and fellow lantern Kilowog. In the first half of the series, the duo travel to the frontier of the universe to investigate a string of unexplained Green Lantern deaths, and the discover the Red Lantern Corps, an army wielding rings powered by rage, who are preparing an invasion of Green Lantern territory. In the premiere, they capture a Red Lantern named Razer, who becomes a reluctant ally and member of their ship's crew. Meanwhile, their ship's navigational AI, dubbed Aya by Hal, becomes increasingly self aware and independent, eventually constructing a body for herself to allow her to move around and contribute outside of the ship.

The second half of the series focuses on the resurgence of the Manhunters, android precursors to the Green Lantern Corps that were previously shut down after their emotionless approach to keeping order and fighting crime resulted in a massacre that the Red Lanterns had been founded to avenge.

Over the course of the series, Razer and Aya fall in love, and the drama of their relationship becomes a major driving force in the second half, as Razer's fear of loss and self-loathing over his past cause him to outwardly deny having romantic feelings for Aya, leading her to defect and join the Manhunters when her desire to escape her pain over his rejection causes her to shut down her emotions. They reconcile in the finale before Aya sacrifices herself to eliminate the Manhunters, but Razer is convinced that she managed to survive, and the series ends with him setting off into the universe to search for her.


After the show's cancellation in 2013, the show's creative team continued to reference the series and its unresolved plot thread in their later DC projects:

  • The 2016 series Justice League Action featured Josh Keaton reprising his role as Hal Jordan, and a 2018 episode featured a guest appearance from an amnesiac Aya with dialogue confirming that the episode takes place after the events of GLTAS's finale.
  • The fourth season of Young Justice featured a guest appearance from Razer, with the episode centering around his struggle to maintain his hope after four years of searching for Aya without success.
  • The 6th issue of the 2023 Green Lantern comics run marked Razer's first appearance in the comics canon, and he has appeared in multiple subsequent issues.
  • Razer and Aya briefly cameod in the 2024 animated film Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part Three, where Aya's dialogue established that their reunion and the restoration of her memories occurred off-screen.

Main Characters


Fans of the show often call themselves "fanterns".

In the aftermath of the show's cancellation, at least one fan campaign was launched with the aim of convincing Warner Bros. to renew the show, however it was ultimately unsuccessful.

Notable Fanon & Tropes

  • Blue Lantern Razer - The finale shows a Blue Lantern Ring following Razer as he flies off to look for Aya, and Word of God confirmed that Razer would've become a Blue Lantern if the show had been renewed. As a result, Razer as a Blue Lantern is a popular subject in fanworks, with many pieces of fanart portraying him as a Blue Lantern, either using the official designs revealed by the production staff and subsequent appearances in other media, or coming up with their own.
  • Razaya Reunion - The details and circumstances of what happened to Aya following her sacrifice and what would happen when Razer found her again have been frequently explored in fanfic.





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