Gratuitous Eroticism

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Title: Gratuitous Eroticism
Author(s): Rose St. Clair
Date(s): April 1991
Length: 11 pages
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Gratuitous Eroticism is a Blake's 7 Blake/Avon story by Rose St. Clair.

It was published in Southern Comfort #6.5.

It contains this: "His was a body to be reckoned with...With a trembling hand I reached for it, barely able to circle its girth with my fingers...Blake's cock was a sight to behold. Like its owner, it was larger than life, truly heroic in proportion to the rest of the world."

Reactions and Reviews

hey, it's my ship again! woo hoo! but... er, i skipped this one too.

it's in two columns with blake's POV in one, avon's in the other. the scenario is that... they were in a cabin somewhere and then they look at each other and they realise that they both want to have sex with each other. so they do. with almost no dialogue or... soul searching (at least in the first bit i.e. the bit i read). previously they didn't want to fuck, but now they do. because blake's eyes were really sexy? avon's POV is slightly better, but blake's (which i started to read first since it was on the left) reached a bit where he said he was short in comparison to avon, and i thought seriously 'wait... is this vila?' (so, as you can see, we hadn't characterised blake very much).

anyway - after a while i skipped it, just because there wasn't enough of blake or avon in it. that said, the end does seem to have a bizarre bit where blake's semen goes in avon's eye and blake thinks this is hilarious and avon does not - which is actually really rather adorable, and since i was talking earlier about how i wish there was more comfortable sex in this pairing, i do feel i have to award some last minute bonus points for this silly business.[1]

A first sexual encounter between B and A as seen from each side, printed in parallel columns. I like both the grimly amusing misunderstandings and the loving, superheated descriptions of the less-than-perfect bodies.[2]


  1. ^ comments by Aralias at Dreamwidth, posted July 13, 2013; reference link
  2. ^ from Rallying Call #17 (April 1996), a fan lists their favorite Blake/Avon fics