Graham Strong

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Name: Graham Strong
Fandoms: Doctor Who
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For many years, the only audios in circulation were those recorded by Graham Strong (and the official BBC releases are based on Graham’s recordings). Graham recorded most episodes of Doctor Who from the very first episode - however, he only commenced the high quality recordings from Dalek Master Plan episode 8. Therefore, this meant that many of the preceding episodes either did not exist at all (e.g. The Crusade) or existed in poor quality (e.g. Marco Polo).

In late 1995, a further discovery of audio recordings were made. These had been recorded by David Holman, who had held the tapes for many years without realising their true worth. David’s collection basically covered the gaps from Graham’s. In particular, all the episodes pre Master Plan 8 were discovered in excellent condition. And Graham, who is remastering David’s audios, is happy to announce that the new Feast of Steven episode DOES contain the Hartnell ‘Merry Xmas’ line!

Graham has also processed and re-recorded all his original recordings. This means that the new remastered copies are clearer than the originals. However, some of the tapes have slight recording problems. For instance, the last five minutes of Fury From the Deep 4 suffers from a background humming noise. The Massacre 4 also has a sound problem right at the end of the episode – the sound volume fluctuates considerably.

A few of Graham’s audios are also missing some material, for example, Tenth Planet 4 ran out just before the episode completed. However, in a lucky break, this was almost exactly at the point where the existing video regeneration scene commences!
