Goodreads/Links for Further Reading

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Tumblr links:

Note: due to the difficulty in threading tumblr discussions, some material quoted may be sourced from earlier or later conversations by other people. Please check the original link for the full text and credits.


July 2012

Dec 2012


Feb 2014

  • OH MY STEREK - Readers Who Add Fanfics to Goodreads - Readers Who Add Fanfics to Goodreads, Archived version (" If I want my writing to be judged as a published M/M genre romance, then I’ll publish an M/M genre romance. I’m glad to write free online fiction. I’m glad there are people to consume that free online fiction. But I don’t write Teen Wolf fanfic for the M/M romance-reading populace, I write Teen Wolf fanfic for Teen Wolf fans") (Feb 2014)
  • im-not-entirely-sure-on-how-goodreads-works-but, Archived version (Note: example of an author using tumblr to make requests of a Goodreads reader instead of going to the reader directly: "I’m not entirely sure on how Goodreads works, but if this Trisha Harrington happens to be on Tumblr, can you please stop reviewing our fanfiction on this site, please? Fanfiction belongs in the fandom, not in a professional capacity.") (Feb 2014)

March 2014

  • The Character Comma, Archived version (Note: this is tangential to the main debate but shows that the origins P2P fic have been discussed on GR for years: "Apparently Goodreads has a list of fanfics that have been published.") (March 29, 2014)

July 2014

  • Possibly, I'm Insane, Archived version ("I guess I can’t really fault someone for putting publicly available stuff up on the Internet in a different place, although I would appreciate a heads-up on that sort of stuff (as all you lovely translators and fanartists and podficcers do).") (July 23, 2014)
  • ishipanarmada • Fanfic on Goodreads?, Archived version ("On the other point, it WOULD be nice to be able to organize and consolidate fic recs for myself. I don’t particularly like AO3’s limited way, and don’t necessarily want to do a fic rec page on here… I don’t know. It would be good to hear others’ thoughts on the matter.") (July 23, 2014)

Dec 14, 2014

  • Stacey Lehane Tag goodreads-armageddon, Archived version ("The fic that was already listed + the reviews attached that were deleted in the confusion of this whole thing seem to be un-retrievable. Sorry to the GR reviewers who lost their threads on my fic, it wasn’t my intention to delete conversations out from under you." And "Never, ever, ever, ever post user or profile information about me anywhere without my consent. It doesn’t matter how innocuous the information seems to be or how freely available it is on my blog, I’m very particular about what information I post and where, taking it upon yourself to override that without my knowledge and/or consent is a dick move of the highest order.") (Dec 14-Dec 19, 2014)

Dec 15, 2014

Dec 16, 2014

Dec 17, 2014

Dec 18, 2014

Dec 19, 2014

  • Stacey Lehane — My fic on goodreads, Archived version ("I’m personally fine with people listing/reviewing my fic on goodreads.") (Dec 19, 2014)
  • , Why It's Bad Fandom Etiquette To Put Other..., Archived version ("My group of Goodreads friends splintered over this issue. A lot of us were casual readers of fanfic but not active in fandoms, so we truly didn’t understand that this was wrong (including me). ") (Dec 19, 2014)
  • Message From A Goodreads Librarian, Archived version("Goodreads librarian here. I’ll do everything to help sort this mess up, so no panic......Nobody uploaded the fanfics to Goodreads. They’re still AO3-exclusive. Goodreads it’s just this big social network where people can say that they have read, are currently reading or plan to read something..... That may include author information, story info and meta data, but not the stories themselves. Some even link to AO3 pages to read the fanfic. This isn’t very much different from tweeting the link to the fanfic or, say, adding it to “My favourite Fics” kind of list on your blog. Not very different, but still different, considering that Goodreads is a much more public directory and serves an entirely other purpose than blogs.") (Dec 19, 2014)
  • I heard back from Goodreads support, Archived version ("I heard back from Goodreads support, and they strongly suggest authors to contact them directly. They’re prompt, I must say, so hopefully will address concerns and requests in no time.") (Dec 19, 2014)

Dec 21, 2014

Dec 23, 2014

Dec 27, 2014

  • The Den - Goodreads - Fanlore - Goodreads - Fanlore, Archived version ("This fandom policing BULLSHIT is unacceptable - trying to force people to not talk about a fic “without permission” is just…what?") (Dec 27, 2014)
  • I have no idea what I'm doing • Goodreads - Fanlore, Archived version ("The thing about putting fic on GoodReads that really bothers me is that I have an author profile there, and I absolutely do not want it connected to my fandom identity. I haven’t made it difficult to find that profile, and don’t care if people know, but I don’t want my fic and my published fiction to appear under the same name ever. The fact that this is something that people can do by simply reviewing my fic on GR makes me deeply uncomfortable.") (Dec 27, 2014)
  • you're gonna come with us, Archived version ("That doesn’t change the fact that GR culture is pretty much the fundamental opposite of fandom culture, and for fanwork to be discussed there makes people really, really uncomfortable.")
  • The Den - Goodreads - Fanlore - Goodreads - Fanlore, Archived version (" do not get to decide and lay down the boundaries for fandom culture. This is 100% about fandom expansion and migration, and not one whit about some imaginary lines you’ve created between “real” fandom culture, fanfic, and profic. Yes, that would be called “fandom policing.” If you don’t like it, don’t do it.") (Dec 27, 2014)
  • There’s a person on the other side of that fic., Archived version ("There are folks who could lose their jobs, lose their kids, because some blowhard thinks their right to talk about fanfic in the name of “free speech” makes it ok to be a jerk about this stuff. They say— hey, if you post something on the Internet, you should know you have no control. I guess. To me, that’s kind of like saying, hey, if you used your credit card at Home Depot, you should know there was a chance your financial information could go public.") (Dec 27, 2014)
  • The Den - Goodreads - Fanlore - Goodreads - Fanlore, Archived version ("Stopping people from using Goodreads to review fanfic has zero impact on the issues you’ve posted above. Those are very serious problems and deserve to be taken seriously, not used as straw men to try and stop people from using a platform you don’t like.")
  • There is a person on the other side of that review., Archived version ("The problem of inappropriate information getting added to author profiles is a completely separate (and easily fixed—apparently goodreads users have fixed it already) issue from the question of whether or not readers are allowed to talk about fanfic on a platform of their choosing.") (Dec 27, 2014)
  • My examples above wen’t straw men;, Archived version ("Actually, you’re the one derailing a concern about people in service of your abstract principle.")
  • Goodreads - Fanlore, Archived version ("....fandom, at it’s core, is a give and take relationship of fans. It should be enough that one person says ‘please don’t post my fic to Goodreads without my consent, I don’t want to have it there’.") (Dec 27, 2014)
  • The Den - Goodreads - Fanlore - Goodreads - Fanlore, Archived version ("Your comment about “I don’t care if people know” has already sunk you, really. You didn’t care enough to make that wall a very substantial one, so now people are just walking over it. Unintended consequence? Yes. The fault of your readers? No. Something you have the right to ask them to stop doing? Yes, absolutely…well, you can try, anyway.") (Dec 27, 2014)

Twitter Links




Jan 2014

May 2014

June 2014

Sept 2014

Dec 14, 2014

Dec 15, 2014

Dec 16, 2014

Dec 17, 2014

Dec 19, 2014

Dec 27, 2104

Dec 28, 2014


April 2014

  • Nicht-Fans, Archived version ("Warum fügen nur so viele Leute fanfiction zu Goodreads hinzu?....Wie viele von diesen Leuten sind Lurker im Fandom und wieviele von Ihnnen sind wohl in Fanbereichen aktiv?")

Dec 15, 2014

Dec 20, 2014

  • Play me my song... - I need some help, Archived version (" Have you thought of going "friends only" & vetting all that wish to read?") and (" I don't want to stop writing, I love it, and having my stories f-lock is frustrating because that wouldn't be my choice but [one forced on me by Goodreads)") (Dec 20, 2014)

Dec 21, 2014

  • elwarre - Damn you, goodreads, Archived version ("People are placing fic on a site that's very much not geared toward fandom, and so the casual visitor to goodreads who doesn't have the context/knowledge of the fandom for which the fic was written (i.e. a lawyer or judge in a custody case, or a potential employer) would see these works about rape or incest or any number of other dark subject matter and be very very dubious of the author's ability to work well within the company or to competently raise children.") (Dec 21, 2014)
  • Play me my song... - I need some help, Archived version ("Don’t bite me because I’m on Etoile’s side, but I will try to explain how Goodreads works...") (Dec 21, 2014)

Dec 23, 2014

  • about good reads, Archived version ("It's been a long time since I came onto this site but I'm doing now to explicitly state that I do not want my work posted to") (Dec 23, 2014)

Dec 24

  • linzeestyle, Archived version ("Posting creatives is like walking out onto the internet in your underwear. And based on the last few weeks, and the Goodreads situation and the overall response to it, I have reached the point of needing to put on my pants and walk away.")

Archive of Our Own

Dec 2014

  • DO NOT PUT MY FICS ON GOOD READS - taelynhawker -, Archived version ("There are many fandom related spaces to discuss fanfic, I personally do not think goodreads is one of them. These are fanfics, not actual books and I don't want my fic there. I don't want to stress about copyrights or people I know who don't read fic but use goodreads finding it, I don't want to stress about my job. I want and need my fandom life to be separate from my real one and my work being linked on goodreads makes that feel precarious to me.")
  • Show Comment, Archived version ("Fanfiction has been on Goodreads since it started and having this attack now is doing nothing but making all of us who love fanfiction feel like we are not worthy. I never in a million years thought that a fandom was filled with such mean people.") (Dec 23, 2014)
  • Comment in "DO NOT PUT MY FICS ON GOOD READS" - taelynhawker - General - Fandom [Archive of Our Own], Archived version ("So I take it you would like us to post our reviews here at AO3? Those of us who were lucky enough to back up our Goodreads accounts recently have those reviews saved. So we could post them in the comments for the work. If that is really what you want.") (Dec 23, 2014)
  • Show Comment, Archived version ("There are, however, other people on the other side of this and we are only seeing one side. How else would I learn your side of the story (as they say) if you didn't bother to tell me your own thoughts on the matter? This is the same for them, we all want to say our part and shouldn't both sides be allowed the same chance") (Dec 23, 2014)
  • title = DO NOT PUT MY FICS ON GOOD READS - taelynhawker, Archived version ("I think it doesn't matter that you don't see the problem. What matters is that it's MY work, I took the time to write it, I chose to share it, and if I am (or any author is, and clearly many are) asking explicitly that you not post links to it in a certain place because I'm uncomfortable then you should respect my wishes. The end.") (Dec 23, 2014)

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