The Paris/Kim Slash Fic Archive

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Name: The Paris/Kim Slash Fic Archive
Archivist: Anneinchicago
Founder: Anneinchicago
Type: Fanfiction, Fanart
Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager
The Paris Kim Slash Fic Archive.png
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The Paris/Kim Slash Fic Archive ("Go on and Kiss The Boy - An Archive For Paris/Kim Slash Fic.") is the archive of the mailing list, Paris/Kim Slash Party.

Our archive is open to any and all Paris/Kim, Paris/Torres/Kim or Chakotay/Paris/Kim authors, whether they are members of the PKSP or not.


The archive was a member of The Adult Fan-Fiction Ring, Fan Fictions Unite!, The New Star Trek Slash Ring, Pretty Boy Slash, Slash Fan Fiction Ring, TEP Ring, TSU: TrekSmut University Web Ring and the Ultimate Star Trek Fanficion Webring.[1]

From the Site

Hello, and welcome to 'Go on and Kiss The Boy', an archive for Paris/Kim Slash Fanfiction, an archive dedicated to those among us who believe Star Trek Voyager's Lieutenant Thomas Eugene Paris and Ensign Harry Stephen Liu Kim are one of Star Trek's cutest couples since sliced bread.

Before we go any further however, we feel we must point out something that may or may not be obvious.

See that / between Paris and Kim? That slash is more than a just a grammatical construct; it's a fanfic tradition, used to indicate a relationship between the two characters in question that goes beyond friendship (sometimes way beyond). That innocuous looking slash stands for sex. It stands for love. It stands for everything from hand-holding, kissing and general canoodling to (sometimes) bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, or even rape.


Now, again, we must point out what may be obvious. Because the two characters in question are Paris and Kim and because Paris and Kim are both male, the hand-holding, kissing and general canoodling, the bondage, discipline, submission and dominance are going to be, by necessity, homosexual hand-holding, kissing, and general canoodling.

Therefore, if you find the concept of homosexuality, whether implied or explicit, fictional or real, disturbing or otherwise offensive, may we in all politeness suggest going elsewhere? We're fairly certain everyone will both be a lot happier if you do.

And now for a word about legalities. Because of the aforementioned homosexual as well as sometimes adult content of the archive, it may not be legal for you to be here if you are under the age of consent (usually eighteen) in the state or country in which you currently reside.

As for the legalities of who owns what -- Well, just let us say that however much we might like them to be, Tom and Harry aren't ours. If you really don't know who they belong to, scroll down to the bottom of the page for the official disclaimer, and to find out who really owns these delightful and ever-so-scrumptious characters.

Disclaimers, warnings and caveats: While all efforts are made to keep both web sites and e-mail addresses current, this is not always possible. If you have a correction, the webmistress would be eternally grateful if you would e-mail her with that correction.

Disclaimers, warnings and caveats two: Commercial use in any manner without the express written permission of the individual authors is prohibited. Commercial use without permission is a violation of Federal Law which may leave you subject to significant criminal and civil penalties.


While the authors archived here may have what some may call an active fantasy life (some may say a too active fantasy life), we are also quite aware that it is just that: a fantasy life. We know the difference quite well thank you between the actor and the character, between Wang and Kim and between RDM and Paris. If you do not, if you find yourself unable to separate the actor from the character, may we again suggest you go elsewhere? [2]

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