Gifts Unasked For

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Title: Gifts Unasked For
Author(s): docmichelle
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: was here

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Gifts Unasked For is a Stargate Atlantis John/Rodney/Teyla story by docmichelle.

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read: A long (42,000 words) juicy tale of the team's (John, Rodney, and Teyla's) attempt to find Ford and bring him back. It's also a tale of being stranded on a planet together, full of lovely little details and interactions, and the way the author brings the three of them together into an intimate relationship is very well done and plausible. And hot. Way hot. *g* The use of multiple POVs is very effective here, and the characterizations are on target. I especially enjoyed Teyla in this; she is portrayed as smart, tough, and earthy. When this fic first came out I hesitated to read it, being a complete Sheppard/McKay girl, but I'm glad I did, because it's a beautiful story and has become one of my favorites.[1]

Written during the season one/season two hiatus, this story starts with John, Rodney, and Teyla looking for Ford, only to be stranded once they find him. This is a more gentle story than many I have recc'd; the threesome develops while they are isolated from Atlantis, in a post-Season One/pre-Season Two timeframe. And while bad things happen, both physically and emotionally, the bad things are external to the relationship that develops between John, Rodney, and Teyla. So while not paradise, there is a certain 'desert island' feel to it that I enjoyed.[2]


  1. ^ rec at Crack Van, January 2006
  2. ^ Rec50, 2005