Frozen (Man from UNCLE story)

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Title: Frozen
Author(s): Keelywolfe
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Man from U.N.C.L.E.
External Links: online here

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Frozenis a Man from U.N.C.L.E. story by Keelywolfe.

Reactions and Reviews

I'm a big fan of Keelywolfe's take on MFU and, of my favorites among her stories, "Frozen" is the one I come back to most often.

A lot of fanon -- especially some of the older fanon -- paints an image of Napoleon as an unsympathetic sexual predator, with Illya as a fragile innocent. For me, that just doesn't fly. It's not at all what I see on the screen. Keelywolfe's stories portray a very different dynamic and, even if you don't necessarily see the boys this way, you have to admit it's a refreshing change. I love reading about an Illya who is tough and uncompromising -- anything but a cuddly little urchin. Keelywolfe's Illya scares me a little, and I like that. Even more, I enjoy reading a story that shows Napoleon as the sweet, emotional bottom boy he surely is. *G*

Although Frozen, like Keelywolfe's other MFU stories, is about a sexual encounter, it's not "just" about sex. It's about what the sex means. That is, the sex *is* the plot and the theme and the *point* -- it's an experience that transforms the characters and their relationship. Which is not to say that it isn't all just plain *hot*. Because it *is*!...

Keelywolfe's language is simply gorgeous. She has one of the most distinctive voices I've read in any fandom. She excels in her ability to convey in a word or two *exactly* how things look, sound, taste and, um, feel. You get the picture.[1]

Yeah, this one warmed the cockles (sic) of my heart and other points south.[2]

It's a very hot story. I was so happy when I read her stuff for the first time -- I had been reading OliverTwist!Illya fanfic and was starting to wonder whether I was watching the right show. *G* [3]

Keelywolfe's Illya scares me a little, and I like that. Agreed! I find him close to my canon interpretation of Illya, and very compelling. I think that dangerous edge is what gave Illya the huge fan draw he had when the show was airing, and the same is what draws me to particular portrayals in the fan fiction, especially the slash, where Illya is oft portrayed quite the opposite.[4]

I think you're right about Illya's edginess being a huge part of the appeal. (Along with the air of strangeness, which must have been particularly strong back then in the early days of the cold war!) [5]

I did like this story--good rec.

I don't care for the fanon portrayal of Illya as an innocent, either.

One of keelywolfe's MfU stories that I liked even better is "The Metamorphosis of Sexually Explicit Paper Cranes." I love the snarky, wry Illya voice in that one.[6]

Oh, the angst of deciding between those two! I finally gave the edge to this one, because it's more of a contrast to the dynamic we see in fanon, but it could have gone either way. I'm sure some future reccer is going to be thrilled to find that the paper crane story is still available. :) [7]

Add me to the list of 'not a fan of Urchin!Illya' folks. This story is anything but. While I had major flinchage going on while reading this story due to lack of lube, I still think Keeleywolf has an excellent handle on character and voice.[8]

It's like "Oliver!" in reverse here -- we're all rejecting the sweet little urchin in favor of the dangerous, sexy Russian spy. *G* I gave her a pass on the lube due to the fact that she didn't revel at all in how painful it all was. That's what I really can't stand. I decided that Napoleon is self-lubricating. If anyone is, it would have to be him. It's a biological adaptation. *G* [9]

LOL! Self-lubricating! I love that idea. Yes, if anyone was, it would have to be Napoleon.[10]


  1. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  2. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  3. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  4. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  5. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  6. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  7. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  8. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  9. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  10. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van