Frohike Liberation Organization

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Name: Frohike Liberation Organization
Owner/Maintainer: Raine
Dates: 1997-1998
URL: Frohike Liberation Organization
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Frohike Liberation Organization is an X-Files website and mailing list.

The mailing list info is here.


"The FLO is an organization dedicated to the promotion of 'Frohike' as an interesting and original character on the FOX TV show 'The X-Files', and to the appreciation of the man who brings him to life, Tom Braidwood. Its Motto is CRAP : Covert, Rabid And Paranoid." [1]


Why the hell did I make a web page for the spying little hacker anyway?

Hey, if the (shudder) Flukeman Fan Club can do it...Seriously, I love the X-Files, and look forward to episodes with Frohike in them. I want to, for what it is worth, encourage more episodes to be written utilizing his character and the other Lone Gunmen. Also, I want to see more well-written fan fiction using Frohike as an interesting and multi-dimensional character. Hopefully, this will provide a place for those stories to be noticed and read where they won't be lost in the sea of X-Files stories. Fair enough? [2]


Comments by the Creator of "Frohike Liberation Organization"

The idea for the FLO started from an idea I had to create a fan fiction archive for Frohike stories. Ideas for other pages for the little guy kept popping up, and the rest of the site was born.

The fan fiction page of the FLO is for stories which feature Frohike in some manner. Most of the stories feature him as the one of the main characters, but unusual characterizations are accepted as well. Frohike, along with the other Gunmen, has been left so ambiguous that writers could get away with almost anything that they wanted. Until Nov 16, that is!

About me: Not much to relate without really putting people to sleep. I'm in my twenties, female, and work in the mental health field, most recently on a crisis phone line. Also, I'm a student with two cats and a husband (not necessarily in that order), all of whom are a little jealous of the time I spend on the computer writing fiction as well as editing and adding to the FLO. [3]

Some Website Features
