Free Parking

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Title: Free Parking
Author(s): Ethan Nelson
Length: 9,030 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Due South
Relationship(s): Fraser/Vecchio
External Links: online at AO3

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Free Parking is a Due South Fraser/Vecchio story by Ethan Nelson.

Reactions and Reviews

Ethan Nelson (aka Mallory Klohn) has a wonderful ability to capture the absurd moments in life and build fabulous stories around them, both funny and hot. This one is no exception. What I love most about is the sheer delight of it all -- Fraser and Ray's delight in each other, Ethan's delight in them both, my delight at it all. If you're looking for a sexy story that will make you smile or even laugh, not just because it's funny but because it will make you feel so damn good you can't help yourself -- give this one a shot. You won't be disappointed.[1]
