Fragile Bodies of Touch and Taste

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Title: Fragile Bodies of Touch and Taste
Author(s): Jane St Clair
Date(s): 12 October 2000
Length: 3,031 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): X-Men
External Links: Fragile Bodies of Touch and Taste (Jane St Clair's Fanfiction)
Fragile Bodies of Touch and Taste (AO3)

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Fragile Bodies of Touch and Taste is a Xavier/Magneto story by Jane St Clair.

Summary: The boys (and they are boys) are Seeing America. Xavier gets hungry.

Recs and Reviews

I've been meaning to rec some Jane St Clair for a while, since she has a gauzy but rich style that makes me forget that I'm reading fanfic. [...] Fragile Bodies of Touch and Taste is X-Men (mostly movie), and Xavier/Magneto, a pairing I don't see enough of, but which lends itself to good fic. Loving, intense, and tragic.[1]


  1. ^ Cori Lannam. Cori Lannam's Mild-Mannered Recommendations Page - 2001 Recs, 22 January 2001. (Accessed 09 April 2016)