stay in place (sing a chorus)

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Title: stay in place (sing a chorus)
Author(s): SoloChaos
Date(s): 2014-06-21
Length: 8807 words
Genre(s): Angst, slash
Fandom(s): Twenty One Pilots
External Links: AO3, illegitimate repost

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stay in place (sing a chorus) is a Twenty One Pilots fic by SoloChaos. It a song fic popularly known as the Forest Fic and a very significant Joshler fic. It created the popular trope/meme of Josh being a figment of Tyler's imagination. The fic has been the subject of many memes, especially on Twitter, and is sometimes the only fanfic people know about. As of June 2020, it has 1152 comments, 6834 kudos, 1134 bookmarks, and 460933 hits. It is currently the most popular Joshler fic on AO3 by kudos, hit count, and bookmark.[1] It has been translated into Vietnamese, Italian, French, and German and has inspired more than ten recursive works. It was reposted to Wattpad by someone other than the original author, which was how many fans found it.


Rumors and screenshots have circulated the fandom claiming that Tyler Joseph read the "forest fic," but these are unsubstantiated.[2]

Reactions and Reviews

This was amazing. I really feel like this is the best thing you've written. Seriously, it was just written so well. I like things that are somewhat broken into pieces and not necessarily written in a specific order. I loved the use of the colors. I didn't understand it completely, but that made me feel more in touch with the story. Not being understood can be so frustrating and when people say the understand and you KNOW they don't. Gosh, I'm rambling now. Holy smokes, seriously that was so good. My heart hurts in the best way possible.


so i just HAD to sign up for this website to tell you how in love i am with this fic. i could probably go on and on for hours about how well-written it is, how beautiful all the synesthesia imagery is, and how touching the connections to lyrics from forest are. this is the best twenty one pilots fic i've read by far. what i love most about it is how it made me feel something. most of the time, fanfiction doesn't have that effect on me. but with this one, i cried, i felt that pure, raw emotion in my gut, and i couldn't stop thinking about it for days. you are a truly amazing writer. sorry i rambled in this comment but i wanted you to know how much of an impact this had on me. keep it up, you're so incredibly talented.


so...this fic HAUNTED me for a good three or four days. i'm a pretty insensitive person, that doesn't happen very often. as soon as i realized that i'd stopped thinking about it every five minutes, i went back to read it again, and i realized that one day i wanted to write something that has that kind of effect on people. i was pretty big on writing in middle school, and a lot of my family still thinks it's my favourite thing to do and that i want to pursue a career in it. i got so annoyed by that that i stopped writing altogether - so making me think "hey, i wanna write something that makes people feel that way*," was a PRETTY HUGE deal. and now, slowly but surely, i'm getting back into writing because of you. i forgot how good it felt, and i can't ever thank you enough.


You wrote this a while ago, but someone posted about it on Twitter so I read it. I have honestly never felt so connected with a story/fan fic before. this was the most beautiful writing I have ever experienced reading and I'm sobbing, like full on sobbing and re thinking my life right now because of this and just wanted I say thank you for writing this because I connect with it on so many levels.


this is the first joshler i ever read, and it's amazing. i love it a lot. i really relate to tyler (ask twenty_one_plants, he knows) and this fic made me come to terms with my synesthesia, my psychosis, and even my autism (though it doesn't say tyler has it, he seems to have a lot of the traits.) it has made me cry every single time i've read it, and i just... fuck, i cannot explain how much this fic means to me. it is literally my favorite and has influenced my writing so much. thank you.


Here it is the infamous forest fic. I know why it is controversial among the clique to say the least, but I think that it is one of the most beautiful and well constructed things I have ever read. They way the colors are used to describe things is absolutely brilliant and just makes sense. I love how we are never deliberately told what is going on but somehow we just get it. Everyone is saying how screwed up they are from this but that just goes to show how powerful and well written this fic is. I just want to apologize to the author btw for the whole clique renaming your work, sorry again. Back to how much of a masterpiece this is. I love how the entire thing questions reality no matter whether you think that Josh is real or not. Either way it poses a beautiful question of reality. I love all of the little references to Forest and how they were expanded upon. As I said before, I love how we are kind of slowly immersed into Tyler’s mental state and what happened to him. The way in which we come about that information makes the moment when we realize what happened that much more breathtaking. I love the little adjectives that describe Josh. THAT ENDING OMG I can’t even it gets me every time and I just agghh. I’m sorry if this whole thing is a mess and doesn’t make any sense I just can’t really express how impressed I am by this and I still didn’t touch on everything in this comment but oh well.



  1. ^ Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph works page, 29 June 2020.
  2. ^ Quroa answer
  3. ^ AO3 comment (2014)
  4. ^ AO3 comment (2015)
  5. ^ AO3 comment (2015)
  6. ^ AO3 comment (2015)
  7. ^ AO3 comment (2015)
  8. ^ AO3 comment (2020)