Foolish Mortal

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Title: Foolish Mortal
Author(s): ghostwheeze
Date(s): August 17 - November 25, 2017
Length: 14,851 words
Genre(s): gen/pre-slash
Fandom(s): BuzzFeed Unsolved
External Links: on AO3

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Foolish Mortal is a pre-slash BuzzFeed Unsolved fic written by ghostwheeze. It is an early example of the Demon Shane Madej trope, and helped popularize said trope in the Unsolved fandom.

At one point, it was the most popular work in the Unsolved fandom on Archive of Our Own in terms of both hits and kudos.[1]


After a demon encounters a teenage Ryan Bergara on-board the Queen Mary, the spirit decides to follow the entertaining boy around, eventually possessing a vessel to spend even more time with the kid. When they both land their own show where they investigate the paranormal, the demon - Shane - takes glee in watching Ryan try to interact with spirits. If only he knew there was one right next to him.
