Five Minutes

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Title: Five Minutes
Author(s): Sandpipersummer
Date(s): 23 December 2009
Length: 1256 words
Genre(s): backstory/missing scene
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on AO3

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"Five Minutes" is a short story by Sandpipersummer based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel, The Charioteer. It is set in the time frame of Chapter Two, and features Ralph Lanyon, one of the principal characters in the novel; and Hugh Treviss, a friend of Ralph's who is a minor off-scene character, only mentioned twice in passing.

In Chapter Two, Ralph—the much admired Head Boy of the school—has been discovered in a homosexual affaire with a younger student and confined to the isolation ward in the school's sick room while awaiting the Head's return from London to formally expel him. In "Five Minutes", his friend Hugh sneaks in to visit him.