Finnegan's Wake

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Title: Finnegan's Wake
Author(s): Helen Sneddon
Date(s): 1983
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Finnegan's Wake is a gen Star Trek: TOS story by Helen Sneddon.

It was published in Alnitah #15.

Reactions and Reviews

Romp. Finnegan plays a last trick on Kirk, without realizing that he has played into the hands of Klingon raiders. Taken captive, Kirk uses one of Finnegan's old tricks to escape - which involves Uhura doing a ping-pong dance and having a celebratory drink with Spock. [1]

'Alnitah' is a nicely produced glossy, English fanzine with an emphasis on humour. #15 is a special Celtic issue beginning with 'Finnegan's Wake' which involves Kirk's nemesis from his academy days, and in which Uhura has to perform a rather exotic dance in order to save the day. The things a girl has to do! [2]
